Time is limited & you
only have a limited amount
countdown is on - cash flow strategy session in
Are you looking to grow your business? Want to learn how to do this and look at your business from a different perspective? Then this event is a must for you!
BEC and Business Edge Accountants have teamed up to share with you the seven key areas in your business that you can influence, as well as strategies to adopt for growth and improvement.
We’ll cover the Five A’s of Change to help you break barriers to change and teach you how to manage and monitor your business’s dashboard. We’ll also show you a worked example of how small adjustments have a compound effect on the bottom line of your business.
Invest in yourself and join us for our 7 Ways to Grow Your Business session.
During the session we will:
This session is for Business Owners looking to discover new ways to generate cash in their businesses. You don’t have to be a client to attend you just have to be ready to take action!
BEC will be providing light refreshments and have the urn hot!
"There is much to be said for writing our plans down for the future and having one for every business is imperative to its success. The second part of the puzzle is the accountability piece, having someone there to keep you on track that truly believes in you and your dreams!"
Getting your house in order with a business plan will ensure you're always on the right track. I love the feeling you get when hitting my goals and consistently growing my businesses and myself. I think our new Planning 4 Success program is what every micro and small business needs to get on the right foot.
Time is ticking as the weeks and months pass on in 2019.
If you want to get on top of them and get hands-on support to set a clear direction for your personal and business goals for the next 12 months then this program is for you! Attending this workshop will help to break it down into simple and easy to follow steps.
We run various seminars to help small businesses grow and succeed. Our seminars are designed so that you have some real takeaways you can action or implement in real life.
What our Attendees have to say!
“Thanks for your insights today. The session sparked many ideas that I could pursue to grow my business. I’ll shortlist them, and I have committed to taking MASSIVE action in a few key areas.”
Fiona, 7 Ways to Grow Your Business
“Thanks for a great training opportunity. Always helpful to stimulate some bigger picture thinking and relook at how things could be done better. Great trainers and a warm and encouraging atmosphere.”
“Thanks for sharing your insights, knowledge and the KPI ideas list. I think that is going to help me think differently when it comes to tracking things in my business. “
Fiona, KPI Seminar
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