Are you a slave to your business?

Your business is there to serve you; not the other way around. In other words; you should never be a slave to your business. DO you find yourself on the never-ending merry go round of business, day to day, week to week and before you know it months have passed and it feels like nothing is improving?

Being a slave implies a victim mentality – that the world has simply dealt you a bad hand, that you have no say in the matter. Perhaps you hear yourself thinking you’re a slave to your business because your clients need you, or your team can’t cope without you, or maybe the economy is busting, or booming… basically, insert any excuse here as to why you can’t change. But it is exactly that, an excuse.

The OARBED behaviour model tells us we must act above the line; that we must stay out of BED. This is our favourite mindset we lean into at Business Edge Advisors. It’s been an amazing tool to use in business in so many situations. We think more business owners should take it onboard and imbed it into their business.

To stay above the line you need to take (OAR-BED)

Ownership and have blank

Accountability and take

Responsibility for our actions

Where sometimes we find ourselves below the line and we


Blame other people, things, process and we might even make

Excuses for ourselves, employees or process, but worse we might be in a state of

Denial that their is even a problem that needs to be fixed.

– and choices. So, what’s stopping you from taking control of your business? What must you do to be a victor?

Do you feel like this

  • Do you need to start going home on time every night?
  • Do you need to stop accepting work from people who don’t respect your payment terms?
  • Do you need to block out calendar time to respect your health and wellbeing?
  • Do you need to implement 10 strategies to grow your cashflow?
  • Do you need to train and empower your team to do more?
  • Do you need more time to plan?

No more excuses – it’s your business, you make the rules, choose not to be a slave!

Need accountability coaching? We can help you be the master of your business.

Not sure where to start, maybe our Planning 4 Success program is just the beginning your looking for.

‘Success isn’t a result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire.’ – Arnold Glasgow