Customise your Xero chart to improve your accounting

Your Chart of Accounts sits at the heart of your accounting system, providing a list of codes against which you and your accountant can code your financial transactions. That may sound dull, but in fact, it’s a hugely powerful tool for understanding your finances – and giving you the most detailed view of your income … Read more

Thinking investment property, what do you consider?

Keen to get into the property market as an investor? Before you start looking, you need to understand that what you’re looking for in a house, that you would occupy, might be different from an investment property. When you’re hunting for an investment property, rather than looking for features specific to your needs; like commute … Read more

Are you directing or leading…


Did you know that every business has one thing in common? There are 10 departments in every business, no matter how small. These are: Shareholder. Director. Leadership. Product / Service Development. Operations. Marketing. Sales. Finance. Admin / IT. HR. Many business owners control multiple departments and where many if not all of them. Now imagine … Read more

When you want to simplify payroll, the simple choice is Xero


If it’s time to (start using/switch to more powerful) online payroll software, I recommend Xero payroll for many reasons. We have listed a few of the reasons below on why Xero Payroll makes for one of the best choices for running payroll in your business. Simplicity – With just a few clicks you can choose how … Read more

What is SEO and how you should empower your business with it


SEO or Search Engine Optimisation is the term used to describe a number techniques you can use to increase the visibility of your company online. SEO may involve some time invested, but it is worthwhile to increase traffic and enquiries through your website Why is SEO so important? The internet is now the first port … Read more

Avoid the scammers


You’ve been scammed, hacked or breached! Another year, another scam. While data-driven crime is more sophisticated and difficult to address than ever, human error and judgement remain one of the major problems. The latest data breach report from the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) is surprising for the simplicity of the problems – … Read more

Working from home: What deductions can you claim?


For a while now, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has been concerned about tax deductions individuals have been claiming for a whole host of expenses. The latest on their ‘hit list’ are home office expenses.  We guide you through what you can and can’t claim if you work from home.  Last financial year, 6.7 million … Read more

Single Touch Payroll: what you need to know


Single Touch Payroll (STP) – the direct reporting of salary and wages, PAYG withholding and superannuation contribution information to the ATO – comes into effect from 1 July 2018. For employers Employers with 20 or more employees at 1 April 2018 must use standard business reporting-enabled software from 1 July 2018. The head count for … Read more