Key Audit Hot Spots for 2024: What the ATO is Watching Closely

As tax season approaches, it’s essential for businesses and individuals to be aware of the Australian Taxation Office’s (ATO) key focus areas. Understanding these hot spots can help you stay compliant and avoid potential audits. This comprehensive guide will provide you with detailed insights into the ATO’s primary areas of scrutiny for 2024 and how … Read more

Can Your SMSF Be a Gateway to Property Development?

Property development can be an attractive investment avenue, especially when leveraged through a Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF) with its preferential tax treatments. However, navigating the complex terrain of SMSF investment in property development requires a careful approach to remain compliant with the rules. Understanding SMSF Investment in Property Development SMSFs can invest in property development … Read more

Understanding Superannuation Guarantees for Australian Small Business Owners

Superannuation payments

As a small business owner in Australia, it’s crucial to stay informed about superannuation guarantee (SG) obligations. Recent data from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) reveals that workers are owed over $3.6 billion in SG, a figure the government and regulators aim to reduce. The Current State of SG Compliance While 94% of SG, amounting … Read more

2023 Budget Summary & Download

2023 budget review

Ace in the Hole’ Budget 2023-24 The ‘ace in the hole’ of the 2023-24 Federal Budget was the $4.2bn surplus; the first in 15 years. The surplus was driven by a surge in the corporate and individual tax take. High commodity prices, inflation, and high employment have all pushed up corporate and individual tax receipts. … Read more

LEGALLY SAVE TAX – Part 2 – Super Strategies to save you CASH!

Fixed Fee Accounting

Save on Tax this year with this Super Strategy! MAXIMISE DEDUCTIBLE SUPER CONTRIBUTIONS The concessional superannuation cap for this financial year is $27,500 for people of all. From 1 July 2022, the general concessional contributions cap is $27,500 for all individuals regardless of age. Do not go over this limit or you will pay more … Read more

LEGALLY SAVE TAX – part 3 – Things you need to save you CASH!


Save Tax by using what you already have and need Saving on tax can be as simple as smart planning by utilising expenses that you’re already incurring or going to incur anyway. Having a better than average year, pull expenses into the 2023 Financial year. This also applies if you think sales and profit are … Read more

What changed on 1 July?


A reminder of what changed on 1 July 2022 Business Superannuation guarantee increased to 10.5% $450 super guarantee threshold removed for employees aged 18 and over Small business GST and PAYG tax instalments lowered (the total tax liability remains the same, just the amount the business needs to pay through the year is lowered) ATO … Read more

2022 Stars of the Border – what a ride


In November 2021, I was nominated to be a part of Stars of the Border Dance for Cancer, it would be a fun journey to give back to my Albury Wodonga community. I thought it would be a great charity event to be a part of and connect with different people. It was all that and … Read more

Accountants to Advisors


We’re excited to introduce Business Edge Advisors! We’ve refreshed our brand with a new look and feel while retaining the same excellent award-winning service. We felt the old branding was not quite shining the light on our full service offering we provided for current and new clients. We are looking forward to continue to providing … Read more